Traversing through the unknown
Obsessed with the mysterious beaver that has eluded me in the past
My eyes fixated, nothing can sway the objective
Busting through thick brush
Blazing a new trail
I arrive at a obstacle unlike any I have faced thus far
It causes me to stop and evaluate
Is all of this worth it? Upon reaching the destination, will the outcome be what I hoped? Am I in over my head?
While pondering my next step I look out to see you
I’ve never seen you in this way
The water reflecting your elegance
Once sharp details are blurred
The wake in the water causes you to dance back and forth
Like a flag blowing in a gentle wind
This dance is not one you could do by yourself
Pelicans roosting, ducks hunting, and the elusive beaver tail slapping the water
All these things individual within themselves, work together allowing you to dance for me
I thank you for the show but I have to move on
I have a beaver see so I will say so long

Moon reflecting in Calamus Reservior, Burwell, Nebraska.